Created by Ryan Jenkins on
When I sat down to think what kind of things I'd talk about in the blog I thought the best thing to do is just be me and talk about whatever is on my mind. That might include talking about things pertaining to web design and graphic design but it might also be about pop culture and funny things going on. For better or worse "I am what I am." Popeye said that. Great philosophy.
Today for instance met with tragedy as two bombs rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly after 3 PM EST. It's senseless tragedies like this that makes me wonder how we'll ever advance to the next level of evoulution. We seem too busy hating each other rather than pursuing ways to better ourselves. Instead of doing unspeakable things to each other think about a world in which people helped one another for the greater good. That's a world I'd rather have my children grow up in. But today I had to explain to my daughter that some bad person(s) did some mean things to people who just wanted to support their families and friends run a race.