May 2013

Know thyself

"Know thyself", an ancient Greek aphorism, is one of the Delphic maxims and was inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to the Greek periegetic (travelogue) writer Pausanias. has had a variety of meanings attributed to it in literature.  The Suda, a tenth century encyclopedia of Greek knowledge, says: "the proverb is applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are," and that "know thyself" is a warning to pay no attention to the opinion of the multitude.[1]

All In The Timing

You're sitting at your desk working on your next great email marketing plan and you have a killer email all ready to go.  You hit send and wait for the results to pour in.  And you wait.  And you wait some more.  All of a sudden you start wondering, "Am I even reaching these people?"  If you're not paying attention to your email marketing analytics the answer is probably... no.